Continuing towards Uganda, we took the most scenic routes we could find.

First we crossed the Laikipia plateau. This area is basically one big patchwork of conservancies, some owned by the community, but most of them with private and typically foreign owners. People like Kuki Gallman who wrote extensively about her experience, and even the likes of the CEO of Harley Davidson. With all these fenced off conservancies, remaining land for grazing is scarce, which unfortunately results in quite some tension between the conservancies and the local communities.

This also meant that for us the road was actually like a free safari. We saw quite a bit of wildlife, without having to pay any park or conservancy fees. From there we drove past lake Baringo, towards Iten. Iten is actually quite a famous town for runners, altitude training, and the home of quite a few Kenyan running legends. Finally we enjoyed the nice views from the remaining mountain roads towards the Ugandan border.