These are the Royal Drummers of Burundi 🪘.

At first we were doubting to make the detour to Burundi, but it was worth it just for this show alone! This music and dance performance might sound like a cheesy tourist trap, but it was actually super cool.

When we arrived, a young boy asked if we wanted to see a drum performance. After our confirmation he took one of the drums and literally started drumming up the surrounding village. At this sign the men arrived one by one, and casually started preparing and dressing up for the show all around us.

For the heaviest drums it took four guys to lift them off the ground and then put them on just a single head, with which they walked around as if it was nothing. When they all had settled down into a circle, they rotated one after another into the center to perform their dance moves, like a break dance performance, while all the while accompanied by loud beats and clearly having loads of fun themselves.